
ADOPT She came to live with us in April 2018 as a 2-year-old or so runaway from a fur farm.   She immediately showed her strong character. When she doesn’t like someone, she doesn’t like them 100%.   But when she does, she will like them even if they don’t reciprocate the feeling.   She… Continue reading Laura

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ADOPT Zuzia trafiła do Azylu w 2020 roku jako uciekinierka z fermy. Została odłowiona na ulicy, umieszczona na obserwacji u weterynarza, ale nie było dla niej miejsca, a jej charakter nie pomagał dobrze jej zaprezentować. Zuzia jest jednym z trudniejszych lisów: bardzo niezależna, podejrzliwa, uparta i waleczna. Najgłośniejsza w azylu, wszczyna alarm kiedy tylko coś… Continue reading Zuzia

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Liva Park Ville & Glamp – Wirtualny Opiekun Foksi – Adopt Foksia came to live with us at the end of July 2017 when she was about 3 months old. She had been hit by a car, had lost her mother   and had been taken to the veterinary clinic in  a serious condition. She had… Continue reading Foksia

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ADOPT Adaś is the child of an escapee from a fur farm that came into the care of The Wild Refuge. He was a small and weaker child than his siblings. It was not possible to sufficiently prepare him for an independent life, so he  came to live with us. Adaś arrived in August  2019… Continue reading Adaś

Categorised as Animals


ADOPT While still a puppy, Jaś was irresponsibly taken out of the forest. For a while he was kept at home. But that was long enough that he could no longer return to his mother. He  ended up at wildlife rehabilitation centre The Wild Refuge. Sadly, it was not possible to  adapt him to life… Continue reading Jaś

Categorised as Animals


ADOPT Rózia was dropped off at the Asylum’s gate in a plastic box. A small, emaciated pile of misery, she was showing people decisively how much she disliked them. But now, Rózia has grown up to become a very independent, confident, and resolute vixen.   While Rózia likes fox Jarek and tolerates fox Filip, she… Continue reading Rózia

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ADOPT Filip, a long-time resident of the Asylum, escaped from a fur farm. A silver polar fox is big, but he is also the friendliest towards other foxes. Gentle but assertive, Filip communicates beautifully with the other residents. He is friends with Fluffy, Kajtek and Jaś, and gets along with Foksia and Laura. Filip is… Continue reading Filip

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Adopt Fluffy is a polar fox who was recovered by intervention from a fur farm. Born around 2009, she is the oldest resident at the Asylum.   Fluffy came to the Shelter in September 2015 following an intervention by Viva activists. At first very withdrawn and scared, she wouldn’t seek any human contact. Although a… Continue reading Fluffy

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Adopt Tosia is a white polar fox and… an escapee from a fur farm. In the spring of 2019, she was brought to the Asylum by the You Have a Nose for It Foundation that had received a report that a puppy of a… collie sheepdog was running  around near a busy road. On arrival,… Continue reading Tosia

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ADOPTUJ WIRTUALNIE Jenotka wykupiona z fermy przez prywatne osoby. 4,5 roku mieszkała w mieszkaniu (klatka kenelowa), chodziła na spacery z opiekunką, lato spędzała na działce w kojcu. Opiekunka obserwowała Lisi Azyl i kiedy przyjęliśmy jenota Adasia, wysłała zapytanie, czy moglibyśmy przyjąć też Helenkę, z którą coraz ciężej było dawać sobie radę w warunkach mieszkaniowych. Na… Continue reading Helena

Categorised as Animals