

Filip, a long-time resident of the Asylum, escaped from a fur farm. A silver polar fox is big, but he is also the friendliest towards other foxes. Gentle but assertive, Filip communicates beautifully with the other residents. He is friends with Fluffy, Kajtek and Jaś, and gets along with Foksia and Laura. Filip is the only one in the Asylum who is able to ‘talk’ to Zuzia, and he is one of the few residents who is not afraid of friendly dogs. He is also an avid foodie and loves fruit, most of all, raspberries.

Fundacja Międzynarodowy Ruch na Rzecz Zwierząt - Viva! Oddział w Korabiewicach

96-330 Puszcza Mariańska

Korabiewice 11

KRS 0000135274

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